Monthly Archives: July 2008

Effect of Stress during pregnancy 1

For any work to be success only secret is proper planning. It is believed that “Proper planning is half problem solved.” keeping this in mind, it is agreed that for a successful life mother’s womb plays vital role. Just like each and every grain mother eats give shape to baby healthy body, similarly it is [...]

Anger and its effect

Not only science has provided blissful pleasure to human, but also it has carried on various research and study. As a result of which things which were not possible for years are not easily done within few seconds. Since few years, one female researcher has been started her research in Kirlian photography due to which [...]

5 Effects of mind on body 4

“The fruit of silence is PRAYER. The fruit of prayer is FAITH. The fruit of faith is LOVE. The fruit of love is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE. The fruit of Peace is YOU and ME.” -          Mother Teresa This stanza summary is Mother Teresa. She used to say “Life is pool of [...]

Pschyology affects body

In condition of a youth being hanged to death due to certain circumstances, a team of psychologist appeal to the government to provide him for their experiment rather than killing. With motive to help with experiment with the person being killed, they agreed easily. To work for scientific experiment that how mental vibration affect body, [...]